The Kane County ROE is responsible for conducting four types of bus driver trainings:


Eight hours of required training for all new drivers who will operate a 10-passenger vehicle or smaller prior to beginning their job.


Eight hours of required training for all new drivers who will hold a CDL.


An annual two-hour training that must be completed within a 12-month period (364 days). Once that timeframe passes, a driver cannot transport children until their school bus refresher class is completed before renewing their school bus permit.


An annual two-hour training that must be completed within a 12-month period (364 days). Once that timeframe passes, a driver cannot transport children until their school bus refresher class is completed before renewing their CDL.

Drivers planning to attend a class must register and have paid the $10 registration fee online. Drivers will not be able to take the class without meeting these requirements and being on participant list. There will be no admission after the class has begun.  

Cancellations will only be accepted and refunds issued if participants call the ROE four (4) business days before the date of the class or if the class is canceled.

Online Courses

We provide timely and relevant support to educators in their journey to meet the ever-increasing demands of teaching and leading through a variety of synchronous and asynchronous online workshops. All offerings provide participants with research-based, relevant resources and help address the critical issues facing educators today.

Through these opportunities, educators are empowered to make immediate and long-lasting changes in their professional practice to help increase student achievement while also meeting their social and emotional needs.

Administrator Academies

By statute, every administrator must complete a minimum of one approved academy annually and a minimum of five in each administrator certificate renewal period.  

The Illinois Online Academy provides a range of online academies that meet this criteria while providing research-based strategies to help you on you journey. Topics range from combatting educator burnout, meeting and presentation tips, restorative practices, and more. 


The Kane County Regional Office of Education is closed today, Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents Day.

Our office will reopen Tuesday, February 18 under normal business hours.