The Kane County Regional Office of Education offers a variety of tests and assessments as an official Pearson VUE Testing Center. Tests that can be completed at our office include:
- ParaPro Assessment
- Professional certifications
You can find more information about the various tests offered at the Kane County Regional Office of Education below.
Pearson VUE provides reasonable and appropriate test accommodations to individuals with documented disabilities who demonstrate a need for test accommodations. This may include:
- A separate testing room
- Extra testing time
A reader or recorder, for individuals with mobility or vision impairments
Test accommodations are individualized and considered on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of Pearson VUE.
Registration and payments for all tests, except for the ParaPro assessment, are completed through the Pearson VUE website. There, you will find a complete listing of available tests.
If you are interested in the ParaPro test, call the Kane County ROE at 630-762-2179.
Whether you want to pursue a career or attend college, earning a high school equivalency credential is more important than ever. The Kane County Regional Office of Education provides high school equivalency diplomas and transcripts upon written request, faxed, or sent by mail.
The cost is $10 per transcript/verification and per diploma. Although we try our best to accommodate each request as soon as possible, it should be expected that each request may take up to 10 business days.
Please complete the form below and send to gedtranscripts@kaneroe.org.
The last component of the high school equivalency exam is the Illinois Constitution Module. You can find more information by clicking below or calling the testing center staff at 630-444-3060.
The ParaPro Assessment is a general aptitude test for prospective and practicing paraprofessionals that measures the skills and knowledge essential for classroom assistance, including reading, writing, and math, as well as the ability to apply them in classroom instruction.
The Educational Testing Service website has all the resources needed before your test begins, such as test content, what to expect on the day of your test, and state requirements. Click below to learn more and prepare.
Please click here to use our contact form for all additional questions.