The Kane County Student Photography Contest is a ten-week competition hosted by the Kane County Regional Office of Education. This event is designed to recognize and celebrates the talent within the art departments in our high schools as well as the knowledge and support handed down by instructors.


Each week, submitted photos will be reviewed by the Photography Review Committee at the ROE. The top 10 photos will be selected and published on the ROE’s website and social media pages.



Interested high school teachers should contact Kourtney Lipps (, Communications and Website Coordinator at the Kane County ROE, to have a Google Drive folder set up for your class.Each week, teachers will approve and submit their students’ photos into this Google Drive folder. They are also responsible for verifying the authenticity of their students’ work.


Submissions are due on the Monday of each week at 3:30 p.m. (deadline will be Tuesday in the event of a holiday). If you have a student among the weekly top ten winners, you will be notified and sent a Photo Release Form for the student to complete.


Along with the completed Photo Release Form, each photo file must  contain the following information to be considered:


  • Photo title | Student Name | Grade | Medium
    • Example: nature_JohnSmith_senior_film