Homeless children and youth face numerous obstacles in obtaining an education. All children including homeless are entitled to a free public education. The goal of the Kane County Homeless Education Program is to assist the Kane County school districts by:
- Providing technical assistance
- Increase awareness of definition/rights of the homeless to school administrators, staff and other school district personnel
- Share best practices for the education of homeless children and youth
- Facilitate collaborations between schools, social service agencies (including Continuum of Care), shelters and community groups
- Assist districts to revise policies that create barriers for homeless students
- Assist districts with required data reporting
The federal McKinney-Vento Act requires school districts to be pro-active in finding homeless children who are not attending school and identifying which children and youth are homeless.
KANE ROE EQUAL CHANCE PROGRAM (Federal, Title 42, ch. 119)
This program assists Kane County school districts by:
- Training school staff, social service agency and community agency staff
- Providing outreach and outreach materials to schools and places that have a frequent in-flux of low income families
- Facilitating bimonthly parent meetings at shelters
- Collaborating with ROE Youth Outreach Officers and Safe Schools Facilitators
- Providing direct and supportive assistance to families/youth in need
This program is administered by the Area One Lead Program and funded by a grant from the Illinois State Board of Education through the McKinney –Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 2001.
During the 2023-24 school year, the Equal Chance Program supports 3,356 McKinney-Vento eligible students.