All public school buildings and school-related buildings, including temporary/mobile classrooms, in the Kane County ROE jurisdiction are inspected annually to assure compliance with the standards necessary to ensure the health and safety of public school students in Illinois. The ROE completes over 200 HLS inspections annually for the nine school districts in Kane County. As required by law, a record of the annual inspection is sent to the president of the school board and a summary is filed annually with the State Board of Education. In addition, results from required State Fire Marshall inspections are reported through the ROE to the school districts and the state.

Every 10 years, each public building must be re-surveyed for continued compliance by an architect or engineer licensed in the State of Illinois. The “Safety Survey Report” lists any items necessary to bring the building into full and continual compliance. Upon completion of outlined work, the district verifies compliance with a licensed architect or engineer in a report filed with the ROE and the building is awarded a certificate of compliance.

The ROE is also responsible, through the Regional Superintendent of Schools, for statutory compliance with established standards in the construction, remodeling, and demolition of public school buildings. The Regional Superintendent assures school board approval of construction plans, review of construction plans for code compliance, issuance of the building permit, and upon review, issuance of school occupancy permits. Further, the Regional Superintendent assures code compliance for temporary/mobile classroom units throughout the region in cooperation with licensed architects or engineers retained by local school districts. Records of all amendments and construction information are kept on file in the ROE.

Online Courses

We provide timely and relevant support to educators in their journey to meet the ever-increasing demands of teaching and leading through a variety of synchronous and asynchronous online workshops. All offerings provide participants with research-based, relevant resources and help address the critical issues facing educators today.

Through these opportunities, educators are empowered to make immediate and long-lasting changes in their professional practice to help increase student achievement while also meeting their social and emotional needs.

Administrator Academies

By statute, every administrator must complete a minimum of one approved academy annually and a minimum of five in each administrator certificate renewal period.  

The Illinois Online Academy provides a range of online academies that meet this criteria while providing research-based strategies to help you on you journey. Topics range from combatting educator burnout, meeting and presentation tips, restorative practices, and more. 


The Kane County Regional Office of Education is closed today, Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents Day.

Our office will reopen Tuesday, February 18 under normal business hours.